Guides Keycloak Operator
For Use with Keycloak 20.0
Welcome to the Keycloak operator guide.
Chapter 1. Keycloak Operator Installation
In this guide we will show how to install the Keycloak Operator in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.
1.1. OLM Installation
The recommended way to install the Keycloak Operator in Kubernetes environments is to use the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
1.1.1. Prerequisites
Make sure OLM is installed in your environment. For Guidance on how to install OLM, follow this guide.
The Keycloak Operator OLM package can be installed from the OLM catalog. For general instructions on how to install operators using OLM, follow the instructions on the OLM page. In the default Catalog, the Keycloak Operator is named keycloak-operator
. Make sure to use the candidate
channel to find the operator.
1.1.2. OpenShift UI
On OpenShift, use the built-in OLM UI to install the Keycloak Operator. Navigate to Home
, Operators
, OperatorHub
using the menu on the left side of the OpenShift Console. Search for "keycloak" on the search input box:

Select the Keycloak Operator from the list of results. After that, follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure you are installing from the candidate

1.2. Vanilla Kubernetes Installation
To install the operator on a vanilla Kubernetes cluster, you first need to install its CRDs by running the following commands:
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f
After successful CRD installation, install the Keycloak Operator deployment by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f
Currently the operator watches only the namespace where the operator is installed.
Chapter 2. Basic Keycloak Deployment
In this guide we will show how to have a basic Keycloak Deployment on Kubernetes or OpenShift using the Operator. We assume that the Operator is correctly installed and running in the cluster namespace.
2.1. Pre-requisites
- Database
- Hostname
- TLS Certificate and associated keys
2.1.1. Database
A database should be available and accessible from the cluster namespace where you want to install Keycloak. Please refer to Configuring the database for the list of supported databases. The Keycloak Operator does not manage the database and you need to provision it yourself, we suggest to verify your cloud provider offering or use a database Operator such as Crunchy.
For development purposes you can use an ephemeral Postgres pod installation. You can provision it using the following commands:
cat <<EOF >> example-postgres.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: postgresql-db spec: serviceName: postgresql-db-service selector: matchLabels: app: postgresql-db replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: postgresql-db spec: containers: - name: postgresql-db image: postgres:latest env: - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD value: testpassword - name: PGDATA value: /data/pgdata - name: POSTGRES_DB value: keycloak --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: postgres-db spec: selector: app: postgresql-db type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 5432 targetPort: 5432 EOF kubectl apply -f example-postgres.yaml
2.1.2. Hostname
To have a production ready installation you need to provide the hostname that will be used to contact Keycloak. Please refer to Configuring the hostname for the available configurations.
For development purposes we will use from now on
2.1.3. TLS Certificate and key
Please refer to Certification Authority of choice to obtain the certificate and the key.
For development purposes you can use this command to obtain a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -subj '/ Keycloak./C=US' -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
and you should install it in the cluster namespace as a Secret by running:
kubectl create secret tls example-tls-secret --cert certificate.pem --key key.pem
2.2. Deploying Keycloak
To deploy Keycloak you have to create a Custom Resource (CR from now on) shaped after the Keycloak Custom Resource Definition (CRD).
We suggest you to first store the Database credentials in a separate Secret, you can do it for example by running:
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-db-secret \ --from-literal=username=[your_database_username] \ --from-literal=password=[your_database_password]
The Keycloak CRD allow you to customize several fields but, for a simple deployment you can use the following example:
cat <<EOF >> example-kc.yaml apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: instances: 1 serverConfiguration: - name: db value: postgres - name: db-url-host value: postgres-db - name: db-username secret: name: keycloak-db-secret key: username - name: db-password secret: name: keycloak-db-secret key: password hostname: tlsSecret: example-tls-secret EOF kubectl apply -f example-kc.yaml
And you can check that the Keycloak instance has been provisioned in the cluster by looking at the status of the created CR:
kubectl get keycloaks/example-kc -o go-template='{{range .status.conditions}}CONDITION: {{.type}}{{"\n"}} STATUS: {{.status}}{{"\n"}} MESSAGE: {{.message}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
When the Deployment is ready the output will look like the following:
2.3. Accessing the Keycloak Deployment
The Keycloak deployment is, by default, exposed through a basic nginx ingress and it will be accessible through the provided hostname. If the default ingress doesn’t fit your use-case you can disable it by setting disableDefaultIngress: true
cat <<EOF >> example-kc.yaml apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... disableDefaultIngress: true EOF kubectl apply -f example-kc.yaml
And you can provide an alternative ingress resource pointing to the service <keycloak-cr-name>-service
For debugging and development purposes we suggest you to directly connect to the Keycloak service using a port forward:
kubectl port-forward service/example-kc-service 8443:8443
2.3.1. Accessing the Admin Console
When deploying Keycloak, the operator generates an arbitrary initial admin username
and password
and stores those credentials as a Kubernetes basic-auth Secret in the same namespace as the CR.
Change the default admin credentials and enable MFA in Keycloak before going to production.
To fetch the initial admin credentials you have to read and decode a Kubernetes Secret. The Secret name is derived from the Keycloak CR name plus the fixed suffix -initial-admin
. To get the username and password for the example-kc
CR use the following command:
kubectl get secret example-kc-initial-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode kubectl get secret example-kc-initial-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode
You can use those credentials to access the Admin Console or the Admin REST API.
Chapter 3. Keycloak Realm Import
The Keycloak Operator ships with the ability to automatically perform a realm import for the Keycloak Deployment.
If a Realm with the same name already exists in Keycloak it will not be overwritten.
The Realm Import CR only supports creation of new realms and doesn’t update or delete those.
Changes to the realm performed directly on Keycloak are not synced back in the CR.
3.1. Writing Realm Import CR
A Realm Import Custom Resource (CR) looks like follows:
apiVersion: kind: KeycloakRealmImport metadata: name: my-realm-kc spec: keycloakCRName: <name of the keycloak CR> realm: ...
This CR should be created in the same namespace as the Keycloak Deployment CR, defined in the field keycloakCRName
. The realm
field accepts a full RealmRepresentation.
The recommended way to obtain a RealmRepresentation
is leveraging the export functionality Importing and Exporting Realms
- export the Realm to a single file
- convert the json to yaml
copy-paste the obtained yaml as body for the
key (make sure the indentation is correct)
3.2. Applying the Realm Import CR
Use kubectl
to create the CR in the correct cluster namespace:
cat <<EOF >> example-realm-import.yaml apiVersion: kind: KeycloakRealmImport metadata: name: my-realm-kc spec: keycloakCRName: <name of the keycloak CR> realm: id: example-realm realm: example-realm displayName: ExampleRealm enabled: true EOF kubectl apply -f example-realm-import.yaml
You can check the status of the running import by using the following command:
kubectl get keycloakrealmimports/my-realm-kc -o go-template='{{range .status.conditions}}CONDITION: {{.type}}{{"\n"}} STATUS: {{.status}}{{"\n"}} MESSAGE: {{.message}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
When the import has successfully completed, the output will look like the example below:
Chapter 4. Advanced configuration
In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure your Keycloak deployment using advanced concepts and options provided by Custom Resources (CR).
4.1. Server Configuration details
The serverConfiguration
field of the Keycloak CR allows to pass to Keycloak any available configuration in the form of key-value pairs. For all the available configuration options, refer to All Configuration.
The values can be expressed as plain text strings or Kubernetes Secret references. e.g:
apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... serverConfiguration: - name: db value: postgres # plain text value - name: db-url-host value: postgres-db # plain text value - name: db-username secret: # Secret reference name: keycloak-db-secret # name of the Secret key: username # name of the Key in the Secret - name: db-password secret: # secret reference name: keycloak-db-secret # name of the Secret key: password # name of the Key in the Secret
4.2. Secret References
A Secret Reference can be either a value in serverConfiguration
or the tlsSecret
When specifying a Secret Reference, you have to make sure that a Secret containing the referenced keys is present in the same namespace as the CR referencing it. Along with the Keycloak Server Deployment, the operator adds special labels to the referenced Secrets in order to watch for changes.
When a referenced Secret is modified, the operator automatically performs a rolling restart of the Keycloak Deployment to pick up the changes.
4.3. Unsupported features
The unsupported
field of the CR contains highly experimental configuration options that are not completely tested and supported.
4.3.1. Pod Template
Pod Template is a raw API representation that is used for the Kubernetes Deployment Template. This field is intended to be used as a temporary workaround if there is no officially supported field at the top level of the CR to cover your use-case. Please consider opening an issue on GitHub to help us make the experience better.
The operator will merge the fields of the provided template with the values generated by the operator for the specific Deployment. Using this feature, you have access to a high level of customizations, but there are no guarantees that the Deployment will work as expected.
As an example you can inject labels, annotations, or even volumes and volume mounts:
apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... unsupported: podTemplate: metadata: labels: my-label: "keycloak" spec: containers: - volumeMounts: - name: test-volume mountPath: /mnt/test volumes: - name: test-volume secret: secretName: keycloak-additional-secret
4.4. Disabling required CR fields
By default, the Keycloak operator is designed to provide you with the best production-ready Deployment of Keycloak with security in mind. Although, for development purposes, you can still disable key security features.
Specifically, you can disable the required fields with a special value INSECURE-DISABLE
apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: ... hostname: INSECURE-DISABLE tlsSecret: INSECURE-DISABLE
Chapter 5. Using custom Keycloak images
5.1. Keycloak custom image with Operator
The Keycloak Custom Resource (CR) give you the possibility to specify a custom container image for the Keycloak server.
To ensure full compatibility of Operator and Operand, make sure that the version of Keycloak release used in the custom image is aligned with the version of the operator.
5.1.1. Best Practice
When using the default Keycloak image the server will perform a costly re-augmentation every time a Pod starts. This can be avoided by providing a Custom Image where the augmentation already happened during the build time of the image.
A custom image additionally allows to specify Keycloak’s "build-time" configurations and extensions during the build of the container.
For instructions on how to build such image refer to Running Keycloak in containers.
5.1.2. Providing Custom Keycloak image
To provide a custom image you have to define the image
field in the Keycloak CR, for example:
apiVersion: kind: Keycloak metadata: name: example-kc spec: instances: 1 image: hostname: tlsSecret: example-tls-secret
Using custom images, every build time configuration passed through the serverConfiguration
key will be ignored.