Creating the first administrator

After installing Keycloak, you need an administrator account that can act as a super admin with full permissions to manage Keycloak. With this account, you can log in to the Keycloak Admin Console where you create realms and users and register applications that are secured by Keycloak.

Creating the account on the local host

If your server is accessible from localhost, perform these steps.

  1. In a web browser, go to the http://localhost:8080 URL.

  2. Supply a username and password that you can recall.

    Welcome page

    Welcome page

Creating the account remotely

If you cannot access the server from a localhost address or just want to start Keycloak from the command line, use the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN and KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables to create an initial admin account.

For example:

export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=<username>

bin/kc.[sh|bat] start