Client-suggested Identity Provider

OIDC applications can bypass the Keycloak login page by hinting at the identity provider they want to use. You can enable this by setting the kc_idp_hint query parameter in the Authorization Code Flow authorization endpoint.

With Keycloak OIDC client adapters, you can specify this query parameter when you access a secured resource in the application.

For example:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

In this case, your realm must have an identity provider with a facebook alias. If this provider does not exist, the login form is displayed.

If you are using the keycloak.js adapter, you can also achieve the same behavior as follows:

const keycloak = new Keycloak('keycloak.json');

	idpHint: 'facebook'

With the kc_idp_hint query parameter, the client can override the default identity provider if you configure one for the Identity Provider Redirector authenticator. The client can disable the automatic redirecting by setting the kc_idp_hint query parameter to an empty value.