Read-only user attributes

Typical users who are stored in Keycloak have various attributes related to their user profiles. Such attributes include email, firstName or lastName. However users may also have attributes, which are not typical profile data, but rather metadata. The metadata attributes usually should be read-only for the users and the typical users never should have a way to update those attributes from the Keycloak user interface or Account REST API. Some of the attributes should be even read-only for the administrators when creating or updating user with the Admin REST API.

The metadata attributes are usually attributes from those groups:

  • Various links or metadata related to the user storage providers. For example in case of the LDAP integration, the LDAP_ID attribute contains the ID of the user in the LDAP server.

  • Metadata provisioned by User Storage. For example createdTimestamp provisioned from the LDAP should be always read-only by user or administrator.

  • Metadata related to various authenticators. For example KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL attribute can contain the kerberos principal name of the particular user. Similarly attribute usercertificate can contain metadata related to binding the user with the data from the X.509 certificate, which is used typically when X.509 certificate authentication is enabled.

  • Metadata related to the identificator of users by the applications/clients. For example can contain SAML NameID, which will be used by the client application my_app as the identifier of the user.

  • Metadata related to the authorization policies, which are used for the attribute based access control (ABAC). Values of those attributes may be used for the authorization decisions. Hence it is important that those attributes cannot be updated by the users.

From the long term perspective, Keycloak will have a proper User Profile SPI, which will allow fine-grained configuration of every user attribute. Currently this capability is not fully available yet. So Keycloak has the internal list of user attributes, which are read-only for the users and read-only for the administrators configured at the server level.

This is the list of the read-only attributes, which are used internally by the Keycloak default providers and functionalities and hence are always read-only:

  • For users: KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL, LDAP_ID, LDAP_ENTRY_DN, CREATED_TIMESTAMP, createTimestamp, modifyTimestamp, userCertificate,*, ENABLED, EMAIL_VERIFIED

  • For administrators: KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL, LDAP_ID, LDAP_ENTRY_DN, CREATED_TIMESTAMP, createTimestamp, modifyTimestamp

System administrators have a way to add additional attributes to this list. The configuration is currently available at the server level.

You can add this configuration by using the spi-user-profile-legacy-user-profile-read-only-attributes and `spi-user-profile-legacy-user-profile-admin-read-only-attributes options. For example:

kc.[sh|bat] start --spi-user-profile-legacy-user-profile-read-only-attributes=foo,bar*

For this example, users and administrators would not be able to update attribute foo. Users would not be able to edit any attributes starting with the bar. So for example bar or barrier. Configuration is case insensitive, so attributes like FOO or BarRier will be denied as well for this example. The wildcard character * is supported only at the end of the attribute name, so the administrator can effectively deny all the attributes starting with the specified character. The * in the middle of the attribute is considered as a normal character.