
  1. A Twitter developer account.

  1. Click Identity Providers in the menu.

  2. From the Add provider list, select Twitter.

    Add identity provider

    Add Identity Provider

  3. Copy the value of Redirect URI to your clipboard.

  4. In a separate browser tab, create an app in Twitter Application Management.

    1. Enter any value for name and description.

    2. The value for Website can be any valid URL except localhost.

    3. Paste the value of the Redirect URL into the Callback URL field.

    4. When you create your Twitter app, note the value of Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in the Keys and Access Tokens section.

  5. In Keycloak, paste the value of the Consumer Key into the Client ID field.

  6. In Keycloak, paste the value of the Consumer Secret into the Client Secret field.

  7. Click Add.